Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Baby Plans on Hold for a While

Darren and I have decided to put off our baby plans for a couple of months. We have both gained weight recently and we are not happy about it. We don't want to be fat parents. I don't want to start a pregnancy with too much weight because it will just be harder to lose later. We signed up for 3 months of Weight Watchers. I should be back to a good weight by then. We should be back on track with the baby plans by the end of February. This site may be on hiatus until then.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Not Yet

Nothing of importance to report this month. Maybe next month. Stay tuned! :)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Never thought this would be good news...

This is most likely the only time in my life I will say this, and it may sound strange to most people, but my period started today. Yay for me! It was only 5 1/2 weeks after my D & C. The doctor said it could take up to 8 weeks so I'm pretty happy I didn't have to wait that long. I'm all back to normal now, so we can start trying again this month. I am hoping it will happen right away, just like the first time. We'll see what happens. I have been debating whether or not we will tell people right away. Part of me wants to keep it quiet just in case, but part of me wants to just behave as though its the first time and not worry about it. This is our journey after all, and if we keep it quiet then I won't have anything to post about. I'm pretty sure I will end up telling family and a few close friends (and this website of course), but I think I will keep it quiet at work. I know there are a few people from work that read this site, but those are the people I would end up telling anyway. I trust them to keep quiet. :) I have to get pregnant first though. I guess we'll all know in 4 weeks. Stay tuned!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Buying condoms

I haven't purchased condoms....in...at least 5 years....until tonight. I felt a little odd being a married man buying condoms. Kinda like I was cheating. I dunno. Just seems odd. I did buy a Trojan "pleasure pack". Used to be there was lubricated, non-lubricated (who bought these?) and ribbed. That was it. Sooo many choices no a days. Crazy! By the time we run out it will be time to try again.theaccessgroup_1967_2430848.jpg

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Starting Over

I had my two week follow-up appointment with my doctor today. I am in perfect health, my uterus is back to normal, and all is well. She did tell me that an analysis of the products of conception (that's the scientific term for tissue removed from the uterus) did not show any fetal tissue. I'm glad she told me. It makes me feel better to know that my baby didn't die, it just never grew in the first place. When we get pregnant again we will be going in for an early sonogram at 7 or 8 weeks. I will be feeling somewhat nervous until that time, so I'm really glad we will do it early this time. If we see an actual fetus at that first sonogram I will be very relieved and not worried anymore. I know things could still go wrong after that, but it would be a big comfort to actually see that a baby was developing, rather than the "black hole" of an empty embryonic sac we saw last time. The doctor also said we need to wait to try again until after I have had one cycle. I am hopefully back on a normal cycle now, so we should be able to start trying again in October. Until that time we need to use an alternative method of birth control. Its such a funny thing to have to consider. I haven't had to think about something like that for a very long time. I still felt embarassed in the store today as I was purchasing our "alternative method of birth control". I know I shouldn't feel embarassed about it, but I was. I was also embarrased when I had to go to the store for a pregnancy test. I do look young, and I am always paranoid that people will think I got pregnant "accidentally". I went through the self check out when I had to do it. Darren doesn't want to go to the store for condoms. He says that if a married man goes in to buy condoms everyone will think he is cheating on his wife. I think that is a ridiculous notion. Oh well, at least we won't have to worry about it for very long, hopefully just a couple of weeks. Darren is leaving for Florida on Saturday morning, and he is gone for a full week already. I guess it won't be too much of an issue after all. I am going out to a big party at the House of Blues tomorrow night. Its being hosted by Perez Hilton and it should be a lot of fun! Darren isn't going because his flight is really early Saturday morning. I wish he could come join the fun, but i'm just going to get really drunk anyway so it won't really matter if he is there. I figure if I'm not pregnant I might as well have one good drunken night before starting again. :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Healing Process

Physically I am in perfect health. I have always had an ability to heal quickly, and I have never had a bad reaction to anything. The same is true this time. I was perfectly fine by Saturday morning. No side effects or lingering pain at all. Mentally, it has been a bit tougher. I am a strong person. I think I have dealt with this whole experience a lot better than a lot of women have. You only have to read a message board on a pregnancy website to figure that out. Some of those women just seem to fall apart when something like this happens. I am so glad that I am not one of those women. Life is good, despite the setbacks. I do have to say I would not be nearly as strong as I am without the love and support I get from my husband, family, and all my friends and coworkers. I honestly dreaded going in to work today. On Friday I sent out a mass email to all my coworkers explaining the situation. It killed me to have to write an email like that, but I had to do it. They all knew I was pregnant and most knew that something happened on Friday. One mass email was much better than having to personally explain the situation to every single person who asked. This morning I worried about the kind of response I might get. Would they all avoid me? Would they treat me like something so delicate that they had to tiptoe around me all day? As it turns out I worried for nothing. My coworkers are wonderful people. Most had a few kind words of comfort, and I had several hugs. Then, life went on. We worked and talked today like any other day. That is what I needed most of all. It was a good day. I also received several words of encouragement from people who have been in my situation. Apparently it is more common than I could have even believed. I now personally know 4 people who were in my situation that have gone on to have healthy babies after a miscarriage, plus several other people with friends or relatives who did the same thing. That was the best thing I could have heard today. It's one thing for a doctor to tell you its common and for them to spout out stats to back them up. Its quite another to hear personal stories from people just like you. Now I know that it does happen frequently, and it is most definitely not the end of the world. Its not even close. When I knew I was pregnant it was a great feeling. I was ready for it. When I knew it was taken away from me all I could think about was getting back to that place as fast as I could. Different doctors say different things about how long a person should wait before trying again. My doctor said to wait at least one cycle. That seemed like an eternity to me. How can I possibly wait that long to get back what I had? Now, I know it will be ok. One cycle is only a month. We can try again in October. Its not a long time, and I'm pretty sure I won't have to try for a long time to get pregnant again. It will happen before I know it. I am not worried or stressed anymore. There are better things to do than think about it. I have my follow up appointment with the doctor next Thursday. Darren leaves for his jet course next Saturday, and my mom is coming to visit the next Wednesday. September is full. It should be a good month. :)

Sunday, September 2, 2007


When you take two perfect people and put them together you get perfection X2.....or that's the way it's supposed to work. Looks like that first shot wasn't perfect. I was quite bothered for a while....then I thought....it's best this happen now than later on in the journey. So we have a delay. No biggie. If we work the "planning" out right Kelli will be preggo when I need a new car. I will start reading a Farmers Almanac and wait for a really rainy toward the end of a month. I will drag her in and buy the car. The end of the month, storm and preggo evil lady (sorry Kelli) should help me get a good deal. For those that forgot....below is what some computer thought our baby would look like. Our baby?Hmm computers aren't always correct.

Friday, August 31, 2007

A Detour on the Journey.....

Well, I'm not sure how to say this other than to just say it. This week I had a miscarriage. Here's the story. On Monday morning I started having a small amount of spotting. It honestly wasn't enough to make me concerned, but I thought I'd call the doctor anyway just to be safe. They took a message and said a nurse would call me back. I then asked a couple of people at work if it was something I should be concerned about. Neither of the people I asked had experienced it, but my sister had and her pregnancy went just fine. The nurse called me back a few hours later and I told her what was going on. She wanted me to come in to the doctor right away. That made me really nervous, so I was pretty upset as I drove to the doctor. Once I got there they used the Doppler to try to find the baby's heartbeat. They couldn't pick it up, but said it wasn't unusual at 11 weeks to not find it. Then they sent me in for a sonogram. When I saw the sonogram picture I knew it didn't look right. There was an embryonic sac present, but no visible fetus. I know what a 12 week sonogram is supposed to look like. That was the moment it hit me that my pregnancy wasn't going to continue. Since this was the first sonogram they did they couldn't really tell what the problem was. The sac was measuring at 6.5 weeks. I was told I would have to wait another week and have a second sonogram to confirm that the pregnancy was no longer viable. That was really hard. I didn't want to worry about it for a whole week. Monday was a pretty sad day. I cried for a while, but I don't like to dwell on things. I accepted the inevitable and tried to focus on what would come next. I had some light spotting for the rest of the week, but it still wasn't enough to concern me. Well, that changed this morning. I was fine when I woke up and went to work like normal. Around 10:00am this morning I started cramping really badly. Then the bleeding started getting heavy and I began feeling sick. That's when I decided to head to the doctor. I told my supervisor and left work pretty abruptly. I know several of my coworkers were pretty concerned when I disappeared like that. I'm glad I work with people who care so much. :) I called the doctor on the way home and told them the situation. They took the message and said they would have the nurse call me back very soon. Lucky for me Darren was actually home today. I had just gotten home when the nurse called and said to come in right away. Darren drove me there thankfully. The doctor did another sonogram and confirmed that I was starting to miscarry. She then sent me directly across the street to the hospital to have a D&C. That really scared me! It ended up ok though. We went over and checked in. Then they got me all set up, put in an IV, and gave me the anesthesia to knock me out. The procedure only lasted about 15 minutes total. They had me stay at the hospital for an hour after I woke up and I was discharged around 4:30pm. Darren drove me to get food and then we came home. I am feeling great now! I am actually glad it happened today. Now I have a 3 day weekend to recover and I will be back to work on Tuesday good as new. Now we are just focusing on moving forward. There was nothing I could have done to prevent it. 20% of all recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. It's just a fact of life and I accept it. We are looking forward to trying again as soon as we are able. I'm sure it will be just as easy the second time around. God has given us a do over. It's like he's saying "Well, that first one wasn't right, so go ahead and try again. It will be perfect the second time.". I really appreciate everyone's concern, but we really are fine. Darren is hoping I will be really pregnant around next August because he thinks then he will get a better deal on that FJ Cruiser he wants so badly. We'll see if that happens. I go back to the doctor for a follow up in 2 weeks and I will see what our next move is going to be. I'm hopeful we can start trying again maybe in October. Never fear though, this website is not going anywhere! This is part of our journey and I'm perfectly happy to share it with everyone. There just may be less frequent posts for a while.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


If you know me, you know I love all things from previous generations. I guess I am different that way. I love classic rock, 80s, and 90s music, as well as all old tv shows and old movies. I think my parents had a big influence on my interest in that stuff. I have several coworkers who are younger than me. I am only 28, but these kids are 25 and under. I am often surprised by what they don't know about popular culture history. We have a small group of people at work called the Automation team. One member of the group wanted to call themselves the A-Team (there are 4 of them). Well, the 2 girls on the team had no clue what the A-Team was! I was shocked! I mean, didn't we all watch the A-Team? It reran so many times I don't know how anyone could miss it. There was another instance at lunch last week. The song playing at the restaurant was the theme from "The Greatest American Hero". I loved that show! When I started singing the song and mentioned the show not one person knew what I was talking about. So sad! This morning I found a great channel. It's called Boomerang by Cartoon Network. I am now addicted. So far today I have watched several old Hanna Barbera cartoons, Popeye, the Smurfs, and the Snorks. Huckleberry Hound is up next! I hope you all know what these cartoons are. If not, you need to find this channel! I will be forcing my child to watch these shows. They are just such good old classics! I guess that's where we will have a good balance in this house. I love the old stuff and Darren likes the new. Together I think we will properly expose our child to every good thing out there. Of course, all his/her friends will then think he/she is a freak because of all this crazy knowledge, but that's ok! I know people think of me that way sometimes. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My First Baby Purchase....

I got this at Walgreen's of all places!  It was too cute and I couldn't resist.  It only came in the blue color, but I figured it was ok because girls can wear blue too.  Of course, if we end up having a boy I will get one of those pink shirts for him that say "Real Men Wear Pink".  Darren would just love that. LOL!  Darren is still planning on picking up a shirt from the American Airlines museum.  It said "Future Pilot Just Like My Dad".  This kid is going to have all kinds of cute shirts.  I only know how to buy t-shirts, so anything else purchased for our baby will have to come from mom or my sisters.  If left up to us our baby would have quite a strange wardrobe!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

My clothes don't fit!!!

I wear scrubs to work every day of the week. Its really nice because I don't have to think about what to wear every day. I have always worn small scrubs. Within the last couple of weeks they have started getting tight. I'm not showing yet, but I have gained weight. My scrubs definitely still fit and I could probably go another few weeks at least with them, but they are just not comfortable anymore. Today I broke down and decided to buy some larger ones. I couldn't decide if I should try mediums or just go to large in anticipation of being huge later. My company won't pay for maternity scrubs, so this is all out of my pocket. I asked another coworker who is about my size what she used to wear when she was pregnant. She told me at the end she got up to an extra large! I couldn't believe that. She did have an almost 10 pound baby, but these scrubs are unisex and I can't believe she wore them that large. I just ended up going to the store and trying stuff on. I started with the large. It was pretty funny! I can't imagine I could ever be large enough to fit into those things. It was like wearing a tent! I guess I will find out later. I ended up getting the mediums. I bought 3 pairs of the cheap Dickies. I know there are 5 days in a week, but 3 pairs was $60 with the discount, so I guess I will be doing more laundry. The mediums are large enough that I think they will last for most of the pregnancy. I just have to make sure I don't gain 60 pounds.

Don't think its a boy

I am pretty certain it's a girl. No boy names have been seriously discussed. There have been a wave of girls being born lately. Yup. Gonna be a tom girl.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Back from vacation and boy am I tired!

I spent the last 10 days in Oregon visiting family, attending my 10 year high school reunion, and my brother's wedding.  It was all a lot of fun!  Of course neither of us took any pictures, but there were several hours of pictures taken by the photographer before, during, and after the wedding.  Some of them should be good anyway. :)  We got back into town yesterday afternoon and I am completely exhausted!  I know the pregnancy is making it much worse.  I feel like I would if I had mono.  I just don't have the energy to do much of anything.  At least I had today off work to recover.  I slept in this morning, so I feel a bit better.  I haven't had any other problems so far,  but I did gain more weight than I should have.  Normally I would be back on a diet now and the weight would come off quickly, but not this time.  I just have to suck it up and try not to gain any more before my sonogram.  This is going to be tougher than I thought.  I am almost 10 weeks along in the pregnancy now, and my first sonogram is at 12 weeks.  I'm really looking forward to it.  I think it will make this all seem more real.  Darren is so sure we are having a girl that he won't even consider boy names.  I'm not going to push it.  We will just wait until confirmation of what we are having.  There may not be a need to think of a boy name after all.  I should know for sure at the end of October or early November.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Tales of a pregnant klutz!

I have been told several times now by several different people that being pregnant makes you forgetful and clumsy.  I have always been forgetful, so I can't really say whether I am more so or not.  I can say with absolute certainty that I am definitely more clumsy!  The most embarassing thing happened to me yesterday!  I was grocery shopping at Walmart.  I had finished shopping and was loading all my groceries onto the conveyer at the checkout.  The very last thing I took out of the cart was a nice large container of blueberries.  Well, the blueberries didn't make it onto the conveyer.  I dumped them all over the floor!  I was completely mortified!  Of all things I could have dropped it had to be the thing that can roll forever.  There were blueberries everywhere!  I had to tell several people to be careful so they wouldn't smash them all.  A nice worker came over and swept them up for me while I ran back and grabbed another container.  I kept apologizing to her and she was very nice about the whole thing.  I just hope things like this don't become normal.  This could be a long 8 months!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Girl Name Decided

Amelia Elizabeth Winnell Byrd for a girl. No name for a boy. Stay tuned.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Growing a Baby is Hard Work!

I'm just about 7 weeks along now. Physically I am feeling great, not a bit of nausea. I have been exceptionally tired this past week though. This morning Darren got up before me. I am usually up and out of bed right away without a problem. This morning was rough though. I just couldn't seem to get going. I told Darren I was just going to call in sick. He didn't like that idea. He actually told me I need to save my sick days for when I'm pregnant! What? Hello! I already am pregnant! He can't seem to understand that. He thinks I will only be pregnant when I'm like 7 months along and huge! Its a bit annoying. Darren seems to think I have no reason to be tired. He thinks I spent the whole weekend doing nothing. Well, it was Harry Potter weekend, so I did spend a big portion reading, but I also did the dishes, washed and folded 4 loads of laundry, vaccuumed the house, and went grocery shopping. I think I accomplished a lot. I also exercised for 45 minutes both Saturday and Sunday. That, on top of the fact that I'm pregnant, is a lot of work. I am tired. I just want a little sympathy once in a while. Ok, enough bitching. I'm over it now.

In other news, I think we may have settled on baby names. We have tentatively agreed. Anything can change, so I think I'm going to keep names to myself until we know for sure what we are having. The only sticking point I can see now is that Darren insists our child have 2 middle names. I think its a completely ridiculous notion, but I can see that I will most likely cave first. Darren is waaay too stubborn to budge on anything. :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Feeling great!

Well, I guess I am now about 5 1/2 weeks into my pregnancy. Its still very early, but I'm feeling great! I had two days last week where I felt slightly nauseous, but I haven't felt that since. I''m hopeful that morning sickness won't start at all. That would be really nice. My mom had 4 kids and says she didn't feel sick for any of them. My doctor says thats a good sign that I may not either. Of course, morning sickness might be a good thing as it would prevent me from overeating. I haven't had a problem eating anything thus far. My doctor says I need 1800 calories a day, so I'm trying to be really careful. I've been trying to eat a variety of foods and get all my fruits and vegetables. I have also been exercising every day. If I can keep this up I should be ok. I have the potential to gain a massive amount of weight if I don't pay close attention. 25-35 pounds is the range I'm supposed to gain. I'm shooting for 30 maximum. I think that will be easy enough to lose again later.

We received a nice present of baby books from Jami and Priscilla the other day. Thank you! I have to say though, I don't really think we need a book of 50,001 baby names. Can you imagine how hard picking a name will be now? Darren already had horrible names picked out. This book is going to make it so much worse! He has already said we should just close our eyes and point to one. Very scary!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

doing my part

Since I knocked Kelli up I figured it would be a good gesture to attend the first baby meeting at the doctor. Me being me, I brought my MP3 player, regional jet course book and of course my trusty cell phone to update this page. Sitting here, there is way too much estrogen. I can feel the evul beams coming from all of the other women as the men that knocked them up arent here. The approximate due date is March 13....8 days before my birthday. Sucks to be the kid, my birthday is always going to overshadow theirs. the next visit is August 30th......I will be in Jacksonville then.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So Far So Good....

I am not crazy. My clothes are definitely tighter already. This is going to be a long nine months. Darren doesn't seem to believe a word I say. Nice. Oh well, I have been feeling pretty good lately. All those early symptoms have disappeared. What I should say is I have been feeling pretty good up to right about now. This evening I have started feeling nauseous. Its not bad. I don't feel like I have to throw up, I just feel sick. If it stays like this I should be able to handle it. Hopefully it doesn't get much worse. I guess we'll see. My first doctor appointment is on Thursday morning. I don't know if Darren is going to make it, but I sure would like him to come to at least a couple of them. My supervisor at work has a pregnant wife and he goes to all her appointments. I know Darren is busy, but I really hope he can fit me in his schedule. :)

Isn't it funny that Darren is talking about a new car when he still has over a year left on his current lease? Only Darren is that crazy. Notice how all the cars seem to be very inefficient and have bad gas mileage. He will have to get approval from the bank of Kelli before his next vehicle purchase. If he wants one of those options he better find a high paying job!

Early going

A week into this...I am fine. Kelli is having body issues. She is already complaining about clothes not fitting and her bra not fitting. I dunno if it's the pregnancy or body/mind playing tricks on her.

The whole name thing. I brought up Michaela....Kelli didn't care for it. Peggy (mother in law) likes it. I am still no on Logan.

I have to turn in my car in 13 months. I am not sure what I will get next. Should I get a family car? Or macho car? I like the Dodge Magnum, Scion XB (new model), Toyota FJ Cruiser and the Nissan Altima coupe. listed in order below.





Thursday, July 5, 2007

Early pregnancy symptoms

Well, this has been quite a shock! I've only been off birth control pills for a month. Apparently I am very fertile. :) I could tell I was pregnant for an entire week before I got a positive test. No one really believed me though. They all thought it was the side effects from stopping the pills. I could tell something was different though. I had never felt like that before. I had mild cramps, really bad breast pain, and lower back pain for an entire week. It was definitely not premenstrual symptoms. Darren was very skeptical. I took a couple of tests early and they both came back negative. I even called the doctor thinking there must be something wrong with me. The nurse I talked to didn't seem concerned though. She told me to wait until Friday and test again then come in for a blood test if it was negative. Well, I obviously couldn't wait that long. I tested Wednesday morning and was shocked to see the positive test! I had to take a second one just to be sure. Of course that one was positive too. So, I called the doctor back this morning and scheduled my first prenatal visit. I was expecting to wait a couple of weeks because thats what happened with my sister. They actually scheduled me for my first visit next Thursday. I'm told it will take 3 hours! I can't imagine what they could possibly do to me in all that time. I bet it will involve a lot of sitting around and waiting. I guess I will find out. :) Thanks to everyone for all the congratulations! This will all take some getting used to. We have 9 months to straighten out the name situation. I guess I will need a baby name book after all!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


So Kelli told me that she wanted the name Logan as a boy. I didn't care for it. Last night on the way home I tuned into XM Comedy. Right as I tuned it in a comedian started a joke about the name Logan for a baby. It went something along the lines of "Yeah Logan, like Boston Logan International Airport, when I look at my kid I want to think about crappy traffic, delays and pissed of people." That pretty much took Logan out of the mix. So that still leaves Charles Lindbergh Jamal Jesus O'Scotty Byrd for a boy…and Amelia Erheart Maria Suki Barbara Shaquanda Byrd.

It's official

We're preggo. March 2008 I guess. Avoid the rush and shop now. pregnancy_test2.jpg

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lucky shot?

Well less than a month into this Kelli thinks she might be preggo. She felt ill in the morning for a few days and is having other odd pains. She can take one of those fancy test sometime this week. Stay tuned.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Family Pictures

Well, no news yet. I have been feeling a bit strange this week. I'm not sure if that means anything. According to the calculator I used a pregnancy test wouldn't even be positive until next week, so I can't test yet. Oh well, until then I thought I'd post some pictures of my cute nieces. Gianna is 1 year and 4 months old, and Haley is just about 1 month old. Of course, I'm hoping we have a boy to balance out the family a bit. :)


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Not a One-Sided Website

The beauty of this website is that I have full access to it.  I can post what I need to say in order to counter the ridiculous things that sometimes come out of my husband's mouth.  What ridiculous things you ask?  Well, lets start with those names.  This is the first problem we are going to have with a baby.  I have names already picked out for a boy or a girl.  Darren doesn't have a clue what they are.  I'm not going to have a serious discussion with him about names until we know for sure what we are having.  If I mention it now he will make just make jokes and never agree to them.  Good news for him is both names have some kind of airplane/flying connection.  It was not intended, but he may actually like them once we finally talk about it.

I have been off my birth control pills for just over a week now.  I never considered it before, but these pills are just like any other medication.  Once you stop taking them there may be side effects.  For the past few days I have been feeling awful.  I've been tired, achy, and slightly nauseous.  I'm much better now, but at the time I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.  I did a search online and it seems to be pretty common.  I guess when you have been taking a certain pill everyday for years your body just doesn't know how to react when its stopped.  One big concern I had was acne.  I used to have it really bad when I was a teenager and I even took Accutane in high school.  When I was on the pills I would always end up breaking out during that one week a month.  I thought for sure I would have a problem when I stopped, but I haven't had a single zit yet.  I hope it stays that way.

Where are we?

Well we are now dealing with live ammunition and an unprotected base. Yep we are firing live rounds. Kelli is off diet coke and is eating healthy. She is taking prenatal vitamins. I am just living day to day. I truly enjoy flight instructing. The hours are long....but I am learning so much. We have discussed baby names. I like Charles Lindbergh Jamal Jesus Kawasaki Byrd for a boy...and Amelia Erheart Maria Suki Shaquanda Byrd for a girl. We will see....Kelli hates both.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just the start............

Eventually this site will record our journey into parenthood. We haven't actually started....so stay tuned. Ideally we will both update the site....didn't work out too well for Eric & Angela.... (www.ericandangela.com) so....eh...we will see.

Darren and Kelli in Jacksonville