Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Babies aren't pretty when they are born

Babies aren't pretty when they are born. Including my own child. Just throwing that out there.

Of course at the time I thought Natali was stunning. Looking back at photos....she went thru a "eh" period. Some photos of her don't look like her. She's changed quite a bit. Of course everyone thinks their kid is beautiful.....I swear the hospital must put something in the water to give people rose colored eyes while there. As a rule (my rule) babies are "eh".

Natali is beautiful now. I can honestly say that without rose colored glasses. I am still amazed that she's half of me. Just to be sure I've been taking photos of every postman I see....just to compare facial features.

We are really lucky with our day care situation. Right now we are part time and they let US tell them what days she is the week.

My work schedule for next month has me working all weekends and I'm off 2-3 weekdays per week. This will save us $60 a week on daycare which adds up to a little over $3000 a year. Not too shabby. Almost enough for another car payment. Not that we are buying another car. Gotta pay off other stuff first.

Tonight Natali rode in a shopping cart for the first time. Kelli bought a shopping cart cover from Amazon. Worked great. Natali looked so small.

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  1. I thought Lucas was the most amazingly beautiful thing I'd ever seen when he was brand new. Now I think he looked sorta pudgy and squishy all at once - they truly get more gorgeous as they grow up.

  2. Man, she is such a little cutie... Get the guns and update the security cameras...
