Natali is talking more and more everyday. Lots of "Da Da Da Da" and "NoBama".
I was out of town over the weekend. Kelli reports that Natali doesn't sleep anywhere near as well when I am gone. Saturday night Kelli said she got up every two hours to comfort Natali. I haven't had to do that in months.
Beyond that she is really wanting to walk. She will stand up for 10-15 minutes holding my hand or leaning on the exersaucer. While holding my hand she will kick out a leg and try to advance herself forward. Progress!
The daycare assumed Natali couldn't sit up on her own and had been putting her in a boppy chair for weeks. Kelli dropped Natali off last week and just plopped Natali on a mat. The daycare employees were shocked at how well Natali sat up. I think she has been sitting up on her own since she was 4 1/2 months old.
She started eating those little dissolvable treats a week or so ago while her grandma was here.
At first she could never put them in her mouth. Once they are wet they become sticky. Natali had them stuck to her face, hands and exersaucer. None in her mouth.
Now she can pop them in her mouth like no one's business. The dogs have taken notice of this new food and surround her exersaucer begging for food.
Natali hasn't been on a plane in months. This might be rectified soon. Might take a trip to visit her grandpa soon.
Below are photos from Grandma's visit and one of the dogs taking extra interest in Natali.
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Nobama? HAHAHA!