Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Screaming rewarded with a balloon and a sucker?

Natali had her second dentist visit on Monday. Just like last time I took her instead of Kelli. I have weekdays off while Kelli works weekdays. The dentist is closed weekends. Bleh.

I prepped for the visit by letting Natali sleep in. She woke up on her own around 7:05AM instead of her normal 6:00AM.

Breakfast and Ipad. We left the house at 10AM. Appointment was for 11AM.

Stopped by an electronics store first. The store is on ground level on the east side of an elevated highway. This would come into play later.

In the same parking lot at this store is a frozen yogurt place we visit about once a month. As I pulled into the parking lot Natali said, "Ice Cream please".

I told her maybe later after the dentist.

After the electronics store we headed to the dentist.

Arrived early. Natali went into shy mode.

Dentist saw us early. I had Natali in my lap. The dentist sat facing me. I then placed Natalis head in the dentist lap. Screaming ensued.

The Dentist brushed, counted then placed a flouride goo on Natalis' teeth.

Natali was screaming and squirming the entire time.

Once done she got a balloon (she LOVEs balloons!) and a sugar free lollipop.

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On the way home we had just passed the ice cream parking lot which is NOT visible from her or even my seat. Natali said ,"I want ice cream,"

"How about a Lunchable instead?" I offered.

"I want ice cream." she replied.

Fine....I exited and made a u turn.

The frozen yogurt place was closed as it was just 11:30AM.

There was another place open...so Natali got her Ice Cream.

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Natali really is an intelligent child. I remember talking with my then 3 year old niece Haley and how we could have complete conversations  Natali is rapidly approaching this level. I know every parent thinks their child is a genius....but Natali really is pretty smart.


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